Project name:
Water Valley Wise Work Force – An attractive Danish water sector
The purpose of this project is to initiate a comprehensive approach to ensuring a qualified workforce for the water sector. The project supports this by:
- Promoting lifelong learning and skills development broadly across SMEs in the water sector
- Upgrading the skills of SMEs by developing digital capabilities.
- Increasing water tech SMEs awareness and competencies regarding the green transition in the water sector and the necessary knowledge related to it.
- Connecting foreign labor for the benefit of Danish SMEs.
Main activities:
- Sustainable skills enhancement across the water cycle: Prioritized skill development throughout the entire water cycle to strengthen the ability to address significant challenges and translate them into opportunities.
- Water’s ADC (Ability, Development, Competence): Concrete skill development programs and a new model for skills development to ensure the sector’s digitalization.
- Concrete measures to enhance “An attractive Danish water industry”. Increase the pool of competent individuals; both those who choose and those who continue to work in the sector.
September 2023 - August 2026
Partners & Participants
Klimatorium, Ferskvandscenteret, Teknologisk Institut, Erhvervshus Midtjylland
Project lead
This project is supported by