Project name:


Allwaters is an international consortium anchored at Aarhus University, aligned with Water Valley Denmark, and supported by the Grundfos Foundation.

The immediate goal is to lead a successful bid for the upcoming Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) focused on Water, Marine, and Maritime Sectors and Ecosystems (WMM). This is a program under the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT).

We are building an ecosystem of diverse partners from across Europe, each contributing unique perspectives and strengths. Together, we address all aspects of water — from clean drinking water to vast oceans – in order to win a bid.

We aim to establish a KIC that embraces the full spectrum of water challenges with a broad, inclusive approach. Our unique position is rooted in our cross-KIC commitment, learning from previous KICs to ensure a strong start and a sustainable future.

An ecosystem of partners

We seek partners who believe openness and collaboration are key to driving water innovation. Who wants to dive into an 360-degree approach, addressing oceans, coastal areas, rivers, lakes and wetlands.

Our mission is to unite Europe’s most innovative minds and organizations to secure solutions together. Our goal is not to build a complex organisation, but to empower every partner within the consortium. We are here to support each other, ensuring every voice is heard, and every success is shared.



January 2024 – June 2025


Grundfos Foundation

Partners & Participants


Aarhus University, Grundfos Foundation, Water Valley Denmark


Allwaters Consortium

Project lead

Aarhus University

Contact: Janni Thusgaard

Head of Business Innovation

+45 2974 8006

This project is supported by