WTA Wastewater Workshop

Meet the Water Technology Alliance AND US Wastewater Professionals

The Danish Water Technology Alliance (WTA), has the pleasure of welcoming the Danish water sector to a Danish American wastewater workshop.

In September, we are bringing together a delegation comprising 25+ representatives from the North American wastewater sector, aiming to explore new technologies and expertise in Denmark. This delegation, eager to uncover Danish expertise and cutting edge technology, includes authorities and decision makers from the world’s largest market for water products, solutions, and services

The workshop will focus on challenges and opportunities in technology, environmental considerations, and cross
border partnerships.


• Welcome by GRUNDFOS and WTA
• Panel discussions
• Roundtable discussions
• Final remarks by the WTA

This workshop presents an opportunity to assess the potential benefits of becoming a partner with the WTA and exploring the North American market for your business. Additionally, it will be an integral part of the preparations for the Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC) in New Orleans.

We look forward to fostering collaboration between American interests and Danish expertise, which we believe will lead to lasting partnerships.


Grundfos, Bjerringbro, 12.30 - 15.30

Contact: Pia Jacobsen

Head of Global Innovation


+45 2920 9169