Welcome to Water Valley Innovation

Expert guidance and test opportunities for Startup and SME's

Join the Kickoff Meeting for Water Valley Innovation, where startups and SMEs in the water sector gain access to experts, testing opportunities, and networks to accelerate the development of their solutions.

The meeting is open to SMEs already enrolled in the program, as well as to new interested parties.

The welcome meeting provides an opportunity to meet the various partners and jointly identify which needs you would like addressed in the activities, and to help design the best possible process for you.

On Monday, October 7, 2024, we are holding the welcome and consultation meeting with the program:

Welcome and SME presentation round
Brief introduction to Water Valley Innovation Labs
Consultation with the various partners in the individual labs
The official program ends at 12:00, followed by a light lunch and networking.
Sign up now and help shape your journey!

Note: A similar meeting will be held on October 24 in Copenhagen.

To participate, you must be a startup or SME developing – or intending to develop – solutions for the water sector and be enrolled in the Water Valley Innovation program, which is part of the Lighthouse for Water Technology initiative. You can read more about the program and labs here.

Water Valley Innovation is supported by the EU’s Regional Fund and the Danish Business Promotion Board.

The partner group consists of: Aarhus Vand, DHI, Aarhus University, Technical University of Denmark, Clean & Water Valley Denmark.


Aarhus Vand, 10.00 - 12.30

Contact: Pia Jacobsen

Head of Global Innovation


+45 2920 9169