EU KIC-call on water

Become updated on the announced EU KIC-call on water and the Danish efforts to support the initiative

On 27 June 2024, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) officially announced the launch of a Knowledge & Innovation Community (KIC) call in Q1 2025 on Water, Marine and Maritime (WWM) Sectors and Ecosystems. The announcement was done based on a European Commission analysis concluding that ‘the establishment of a new KIC is relevant for tackling critical global challenges including water scarcity, droughts and floods as well as marine and freshwater degradation.’

In February 2024 Aarhus University and Water Valley Denmark established a Grundfos Foundation funded KIC development office to work for a strong Danish participation in a consortium applying for the EU-call in 2025 for a KIC Water, Marine and Maritime. The winning KIC WMM consortium will develop a European ecosystem of water innovation through open calls with EU-funding for a 15 year period starting from 2026.

During this meeting you will get an introduction to the announced launch including a brief on the analysis by the EU Commission (by Niels Gøtke, Head of Division at Danish Agency for Science, Technology, and Innovation). You will also recieve an update from the Danish KIC development office on the ongoing work positioning Danish priorities and developing an international consortium. You will learn more about what kind of activities the KIC within water is likely to support. During the meeting you will be able to give your input to the further process.

For more details on the next steps and documents related to the announcement please consult the EIT Water webpage:

For the European Commission analyses on the need for a KIC on Water:


Online, 8.30 - 10.00