Kick off Lighthouse WaterTech phase II

Learn more about the Lighthouse WaterTech phase II, and how your organisation can be involved

We are ready to present the project activities in phase II that Water Valley Denmark is project owner for or participating in. Most of the phase II activities are a continuation of selected phase I activities, however there are also new activities in phase II. Program: Welome by CEO Ulla Sparre, Water Valley Denmark Information on Lighthouse WaterTech phase II Short introduction to five project activities in phase II (where Water Valley Denmark is either project owner or participant) VIRS - research collaboration with SME's Challenge-driven Global Innovation Program Water Living Lab Water Data Space Competence development and association of international work force Dialogue on project activities and how you can be involved Funding opportunities Next steps and thank you for today


The Spring, Aarhus, 13.00-16.00

Contact: Camilla F. Simonsen

Head of Secretariat

+45 9310 9036