Digital Drop-in: Water Innovation and Culture(s) in India
What are the current water challenges in contemporary India? How can Danish innovation and technology contribute to solve these?
Namaste all water gurus!
During this session we will address some of the sociocultural and political aspects of India that will help you to understand and navigate in the context of this complex and often misunderstood country.
Through experiences and learnings from the project: ‘India-Denmark Water Technology Innovation Network’ that WVDK is a part of, this session we will dive into some of the most predominant water challenges in present India. Drawing on learnings from numerous discussions with our partners in India and our latest trip to Chennai, Pune, and Mumbai, we will tap into opportunities as well as obstacles that we have encountered during our engagement in India.
Welcome and concise introduction to India
Part 1: The significance of water in India
Part 2: Indo-Danish joint water collaborations
Part 3: External presentations by COBO Consult (Kunal Singla) and CLEAN (James Armour)
India – beyond masala, sadhus, and yoga
As the most populous country and the fourth biggest economy in the world, India is a factor that cannot be ignored nor neglected, if we want to solve the global water challenges of today and tomorrow. With a rapidly growing middleclass, accelerating urbanization, and climate changes, India is facing a wide range of water related challenges – from wastewater treatment and distribution to flooding and drought – that call for innovative water solutions. Meanwhile, with an enormous bulk of highly educated youth, India is also a massive pool for talent that can help in solving challenges – within the country’s own boundaries, as well as beyond, globally.
So, whether you are interested in India as an innovation hub for joint innovation projects, or as an outset to foster global collaborations, this session will be relevant for you.
We are looking forward to seeing you for an open and interactive dialogue, where we together will explore the endless (water) possibilities in India.
Language: English