About us

We serve as a national unifying initiative driving the development and innovation of solutions for the water industry. We bring the best minds in the water industry together fostering open and creative thinking across segments, professions, and traditional mental barriers.

Water Valley Denmark is an alliance encompassing Danish and international players, stretching from sciences and research institutes to startups and global supply companies.

With our agile and innovative approach to project work, combined industry effort and knowledge sharing we can solve some of the world’s fundamental water challenges. In doing so we aspire to enhance the quality of life for people worldwide.

Water Valley Denmark will create a platform and epicenter for developing groundbreaking water technology that will enable water consumption to become more resource efficient, cost effective and quality assured.

Water Valley Denmark

Our Four Strategic Focus Areas

Research & Development

Increased focus on innovation collaboration and research in water technology, such as:

  • PhD School
  • Lab Facilities




Startup & Incubation

Strengthening startup environment and ecosystem through incubation and accelerator programs, such as:

  • Experimental Water Lab
  • Water Accelerator



Innovation & Large-scale Projects

  • Build large-scale test and demonstration facilities.
  • Create improved access to water data and establish better opportunities for developing new digital business models



Global exposure and Collaboration

Focus on establishing the Lighthouse Water Tech which will strengthen Denmark’s exports, such as:

  • Building a network of water living labs – including The Spring
  • Develop a digital knowledge sharing platform

Our Key Targets

Double Danish export of water technology from 20 to 40 DKK billion by 2030

Take part in creating a CO2 and climate neutral water sector by 2030

Contribute to the creation of 4,000 – 5,000 jobs

Leadership & Team

Ulla Sparre

Ulla Sparre


Pia Jacobsen

Pia Jacobsen

Head of Global Innovation

Camilla F. Simonsen

Camilla F. Simonsen

Head of Secretariat

Janni Thusgaard

Janni Thusgaard

Head of Business Innovation

The initiative is supported by a broad range of actors

Who have mobilized around a common purpose, vision and target

Board Members

Flemming Besenbacher Chair
Aarhus Vand

Jacob Vind
Vice Chair
Danfoss A/S

Eskild Holm Nielsen
Aarhus Universitet

Henriette Søltoft
Dansk Industri

Jesper Kristian Jacobsen
Per Aarsleff A/S

Michael Holm
Systematic A/S

Søren Kvorning
Kamstrup A/S

Ulrik Gernow
Grundfos A/S

Niels Aage Kjær
AVK Danmark A/S

Michael Ramlau Hansen
DI Vand

Carl-Emil Larsen

Martin Østergaard Christensen
Aarhus Kommune

Kaj Stjernholm
Stjernholm A/S